Sanctuary end of the church.  Showing full wall, candle stand to side sanctuary door.

Catechesis corner: Indulgences

Przesłane : Nov-21-2022

nun with chalkboard talking about indulgences

This weekend at Mass, Fr. Maderak spoke about the little known and highly misunderstood teaching on Indulgences.  This is not a antiquated teaching of the past, but rather it is a way to help us to lessen the temporal punishment of the poor souls in purgatory, as well as our own.  

A handout was given in the bulletin, but should you wish to have a electronic copy, you can find it HERE

Another very thorough document is the MANUAL OF INDULGENCES(please click to gain access) which not only explains indulgences in a much more detailed fashion, but also outlines the very many ways the indulgences can be gained.  You may wish to turn special attention to pg. 100 in the PDF, Apostolic Constitution Indulgentiarum doctrina as this explains the doctrine of indulgences

burgundy book with cross