Sanctuary end of the church.  Showing full wall, candle stand to side sanctuary door.

Catechesis on the Assumption of Mary

Przesłane : Aug-15-2021

Happy Solemnity of the Assumption! Today is the day when we celebrate Our Blessed Mother being assumed in to heaven, that is, she is "brought up" to heaven, body and soul when her earthly life had ended.
Catechesis point: The Ascension and the Assumption are not the same thing, though appearing similar. Jesus "ascended" into heaven by His own power as He is God as the second person of the Trinity. Mary was "Assumed" that is, she had to be brought up as she was completely human, not God or Divine in any way shape or form and thus did not have the ability to do this by her own power. God brought her up to be with Him.
A info graphic showing a painting of Mary being assumed into heaven, with information from Catechism
At Mass this weekend, Fr. mentioned the document written in 1950 by Pope Pius XII regarding the dogma of the Assumption. A dogma of the Church is something that is part of our official teaching and that, as Catholics, we must believe. This is a relatively new dogma being proclaimed on November 1, 1950 with the release of MUNIFICENTISSIMUS DEUS (please click to read).   On this Sunday when we celebrate the Assumption, let us take some time to learn about our faith and read this document to gain further knowledge and understanding of the facets of our faith.
Holy Mary, Queen assumed into heaven, pray for us.