An inside view of the Sanctuary of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Weston.  Wide panoramic view from the candleside to the side doors of sanctuary.


Przesłane : Dec-24-2020

As we make our last minute preparations for Christmas, it can become a time of hustle and bustle - even though our Christmas celebrations will be much simpler this year.  Perhaps we are trying to make it even more special for our loved ones who we are still celebrating with and because of that, are even more busy than normal.  It is important though, to take some time to nourish our souls and remember the true meaning of Christmas. 

I would invite you to take a biblical look at the birth of Christ in a wonderful presentation found on "FORMED", the free Catholic Streaming Program that we are subscribed to as a parish.  If you are not already subscribed, please visit the FORMED sign up page and type in our postal code M9N 2B4 to find our parish and sign up for your free account.  

Once you have signed up, or if you already have a FORMED account, please go to this video entitled, The Story of the Nativity: The Truth of Christmas and listen to some brilliant Biblical scholars speak about the event that is the cause of our salvation.  

May you have a Blessed Christmas and truly come to know the meaning of the birth of the Christ Child - the cause of our salvation.