An inside view of the Sanctuary of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Weston.  Wide panoramic view from the candleside to the side doors of sanctuary.


Przesłane : Feb-19-2023

As we approach the season of Lent, it is useful to revisit the reason for doing penance.  In 1966, Pope St. Paul VI issued an Apostolic Constitution "On Fast and Abstinence" changing some of the Church laws regarding this topic.  What becomes very clear upon reading this document, is that the tradition of fasting and abstaining is something that comes from as far back as the Old Testament.  Christ himself practiced fasting and abstinence, and as His followers and as members of His Mystical Body, the Church, we are called to do likewise.  By denying our own desires, we become free to respond to the call of Christ.  I would encourage everyone to read this short Apostolic Constitution- an easy read at 7 pages.  I believe this would help all of us to enter more deeply into the true spirit of penance during Lent.  This document is available in several languages from the Vatican Website:  EnglishItalian and Spanish.