front of church in purple

Catechetical Corner - Learn more about your faith!

Posted : Oct-29-2024

Are you looking to learn more about your Catholic Faith?  Do you feel like though you’ve been Catholic all your life, but don’t really know what this means?  Are you looking for something fruitful to do on Tuesday evenings?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are invited to join us for a new program, “The Catechetical Corner”. 

This program will be run in tandem with the RCIA program for those who are seeking to enter the Catholic Church.  Sessions will be run every Tuesday after the 7:00 p.m. evening Mass beginning at 7:45 pm in the Church hall.  Sessions will run until approximately 9:15.  

The sessions will be run by our Lay Pastoral Associate, Tara Nadal who has Masters degrees in both Catechesis and Evangelization and in Catholic Studies from Franciscan University of Steubenville.  The sessions for term 1, which will last 6 weeks are as following:





November 5/2024

Our Search and  Divine Revelation


November 12/2024

The Fall of Man and the Need for Salvation


November 19/2024

Who is God?  An overview to the Trinity.


November 26/2024

The Final Things


December 3/2024

Advent and the Incarnation


December 10/24

Mary - part 1


You are asked to sign up for this program by either calling or emailing the parish at or by clicking HERE.