An inside view of the Sanctuary of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Weston.  Square view from the St. John the Evangelist Icon to the St. John the Evangelist Statue.

Project Hope Day 50 Mid-Campaign Update

Posted : Oct-30-2015

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Thank you for giving hope through your generous response to our emergency refugee sponsorship campaign.

On September 8, 2015, Cardinal Thomas Collins launched Project Hope, a 100-day emergency appeal with a goal to raise $3 million to bring 100 refugee families to the Archdiocese of Toronto. There are two components to the project – the collection of funds and the mobilization of 100 volunteer sponsor​ship committees to journey with newcomers for a period of one year.

We are now halfway through the campaign. With the continued support of parishes, schools, community members and other people of goodwill, we are on track to meet our goal of raising $3 million to bring 100 refugee families to the GTA.

But there is still more to accomplish.

To date, we have enough committees to sponsor 50 families, half of our overall goal. This is a great start, but we are still seeking 50 additional committees to ensure we are in a place to welcome the refugee families that have been chosen for sponsorship.

The majority of our sponsorship committees are from Catholic churches. However, we have also seen a number of corporations, other faith communities and community groups step forward. Committees of between 6-10 individuals are asked to support the refugee family for their first year in Canada. Responsibilities may include assisting our newcomers in finding housing, doctors/dentists, assist them with registration for English as a second language course, helping them learn about our public transit system, grocery stores, etc. The Office for Refugees will provide mandatory training, orientation and resources for volunteer sponsorship committees.

The financial response from our community has also been incredible. To date, we have raised $1.7 million. In order to meet our goal by mid-December, we continue to encourage individuals, schools and corporations to consider making a donation to this campaign and to host fundraisers or other events to bring in additional funding.

​On October 29, Toronto city councillor Justin Di Ciano launched "The Etobicoke Challenge" urging local residents to raise $250,000 for Project Hope and to become involved as volunteers.

"The Archdiocese has taken a strong leadership role on this important humanitarian effort", said Mr. Di Ciano. "My goal is to raise awareness and help support the Archdiocese in their target of raising $3 million by mid-December to settle 100 refugee families within the Greater Toronto Area as soon as possible." He also encourages those in his community to put their talents to work by forming sponsorship committees.

How can you help us reach our goal?

To learn how you can volunteer or donate to Project Hope, visit our new website at: Archdiocesan Donations Page.

Project Hope is a great testament to the strength of our community. Thank you for your prayers and support. Even in the midst of unimaginable difficulty, there are many reasons to hope.