Sanctuary end of the church.  Showing full wall, candle stand to side sanctuary door.

Eden Invitation

已发布 : Jun-12-2021

Sometimes it appears in this world that we are called to hide who we are.  Remembering that we are all made in "God's Image" is a reminder that we have been created as something beautiful, regardless of who we are or what our vices and attractions may be.   The world may say that struggling with ones sexuality must automatically mean to turn oneself away from God and his bride the Church in order to allow for a happy life, but this is not so.  

If you struggle with your attractions, but at the same time have a great desire to live for Christ, perhaps you would consider visiting the website, EDEN INVITATION.

This is an excellent resource put together by young adults who have studied catechesis, who love the Lord, wish to be faithful Catholics and some who struggle with their own attractions.  They however, wish to share with other young people that if Christ is the centre of your life, that you do not to hide from who you are, but rather live in the light of Christ.  This site is solid, truly Catholic and gives support to those who wish to remain close to Our Lord while finding their own identity.