An inside view of the Sanctuary of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Weston.  Wide panoramic view from the candleside to the side doors of sanctuary.


已发布 : Jan-07-2017

Chalking the Door 2017: An Epiphany House Blessing


On this Solemnity of the Epiphany, I would like to draw your attention to the European custom of marking the doorways of houses.  Epiphany is the celebration of the calling of all nations to salvation through Christ.  Today's Gospel tells us of the visit of the Magi to Christ's manger through the guidance of a star.  Traditionally the names Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar have been associated with these Magi.  

The custom of marking the doorways is an invitation and reminder for Jesus to be our daily guest in our home and in our lives.  The custom consists of bringing blessed chalk home from the Church and marking the entrance doorway or other doorways with the inscription +20CMB17+ and a prayer invoking God's blessing upon the home and people.

Words for the blessing, as well as more information can be found on the Carmelites website.
