a cropped view of the sanctuary, with purple advent linens

Advent Catechesis - Week 3

已發佈 : Dec-14-2024

During the third week of Advent, beginning with Gaudete Sunday, we focus on joy.                 

The vestements and decorations in Church change for this Sunday to the joyful colour Rose. 

We celebrate joyfully that the coming of Christ is almost here.

Infographic: Third Week of Advent



Small Icons with descriptions of attitudes to have during Advent.



We joyfully begin this third week of Advent at St. John the Evangelist, Weston!


Third week Advent wreath, 2 purple candles lit, 1 pink candle lit

Lectionary opened to the Third Sunday of AdventSide view of Our Lady of Fatima with pink roses 

A side view of the Lectern and altar draped in a rose coloured cloth