A front view of the Church with poinsettias and nativity scene, altar is draped in white

Spiritual Reading for Feast of the Holy Family

已發佈 : Dec-26-2021

A blessed Feast of the Holy Family to everyone!

Today in his homily, Fr. Maderak mentioned a reflection by St. Paul VI that he gave at Nazareth which is a wonderful reading for today's Feast day. Take a few moments to read St. Paul VI's writing and reflect.
You can find it HERE.
Fr. Maderak also mentioned in his homily, the universal prayer of the Church- the breviary.  This is the prayer that is said by all clergy as well as those who are belong to religious orders.  The laity are also encouraged to say these prayers.   It is easier than ever now since the whole breviary is found online as well as can be found on the iBreviary app on both Apple and Android platforms.  
The Breviary can be found at:  https://www.ibreviary.com/m2/breviario.php
The office of readings for today, the Feast of the Holy Family can be found HERE.
If you would like some instruction on how to use iBreviary, watch this video on YouTube for help.  Pray the LIturgy of the Hours using Your Smartphone & iBreviary
Young Mother Mary and Joseph look down lovingly at Baby Jesus in Manger