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Message for Lent 2025 from His Eminence Frank Cardinal Leo
Lenten Message 2025His Eminence Frank Cardinal LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto   My Dear Brothers and Sisters, May Jesus...
Coat of Arms of Frank Cardinal Leo
Coat of Arms of Frank Cardinal Leo
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis27 February 2025 Dear Brothers and Sisters, As you may...
Looking for Something to do for Lenten Almsgiving?
Are you looking for something to do for Lent? How about some Almsgiving? Our parish will be facilitating...
purple poster with information about lenten drive, pictures of children
This is a picture of an altar with purple frontal and crucifix hanging above
LENT- How can we make it a good one?
Every year we enter the season before Easter called Lent.  Do we really understand what Lent is...

2024 was a busy and exciting year at St. John the Evangelist, Weston. Enjoy this video of highlights!
Visit Us
49 George Street
Weston, ON
M9N 2B4

Office/Mailing Address
49 George Street
Weston, ON
M9N 2B4

t:  416.241.0133

Rev. Andrew Maderak

Parish Staff
Sheila Mills

Tara Nadal
Lay Pastoral Associate

a family watching Catholic content
FORMED is an extensive online library of the greatest Catholic content for you and your family to enjoy. With your free access to FORMED, 24/7 on your smart phone, computer, iPAD, or Kindle, you have access to inspiring movies and books, audio talks and dramas, bible studies and more from over 60 partners and growing. Also included are children's cartoons and animated movies for children. Some content is also available in Spanish. In a world where media has such a big influence on ourselves, our families and not to mention society as a whole, wouldn't it be wonderful to fill ourselves with solid, entertaining and faith-filled content? Please sign up for free by clicking the sign up button. Sign up as a parishioner and simply type in our postal code, M9N 2B4 to be signed up under our Parish. You won't regret it.
Sign up
The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession, is a beautiful gift left to us by Jesus through His priests. It is in this Sacrament that many have found peace, forgiveness and great joy. While it is the duty of a Catholic to receive this Sacrament at least once a year and then worthily receive Communion as stated in the precepts of the Church and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 2042) many have found that making this Sacrament a regular part of their life has been a helpful and beautiful practice. Please take a look at the resources we have provided and come receive this healing Sacrament.
More Info
Stained glass of someone at Confession
Join in the Prayer of the Church!
Have you prayed the Liturgy of the Hours before? This prayer, also called the Divine Office, is prayed not only by clergy and those in consecrated life, but has now began to be prayed by many lay people. This ancient prayer allows for the whole day to be covered with prayer, as it is prayed at different times and all over the world. It focuses on Scripture (particularly the psalms) and includes other spiritual writings. You can pray all or some of the hours. IBreviary is a wonderful site, which will lead you through the Liturgy of the Hours and is also an app that is available for download on all phone and tablet platforms (and in different languages), making it easy to pray every day. Join the Church in this beautiful prayer.
Click here to pray
tan coloured page with the different language flags for this app

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